reclaimed wood drawer chest

reclaimed wood drawer chest

Reclaimed wood drawer chests are an excellent choice for those seeking a unique, handcrafted, and environmentally friendly storage solution. Made from salvaged wood, these chests have a unique rustic aesthetic and can provide years of reliable service. Plus, they’re often a fraction of the cost of brand new furniture.
The wood used in reclaimed wood drawer chests can be from a variety of sources, such as old barns, factories, warehouses, and even homes. Each piece of wood is hand-selected for durability and aesthetics, and it often has a unique patina that cannot be replicated. As a result, each piece is truly one of a kind.


product vintage bedside
product code JTRECdra165
Dimensions 60x40x110 H in c.m
Colour malticolored
used material mix old wood
C.B.M 0.26 appx